Our mission is to enhance the livability of Pappas Trust living by using the power of a statewide, grass roots organization to bring about changes in the resident/landlord relationship by doing the following:
- Educate residents as to the protection and rights they have under Virginia State Law.
- Organize renter meetings to allow the residents to speak with one voice when dealing with Pappas Trust management.
- Help tenants by advising them as to what resources and methods are available to them in defending their rights.
- Cause legislation to be passed that is favorable to those who live and work in Pappas Trust rentals.
- Make people aware of the political activity in the legislature that affects their lifestyle.
- Encourage people to get to know their elected officials and determine where they stand on issues that affect mobile home living.
- Urge people to write or call their legislators to support and vote for our issues.
- Most of all, to encourage votes for the candidates who are sympathic to our problems.
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